In this particular poker run, we would be going from the chic Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica (did I mention we were driving Bentleys?) to the Griffith Observatory by way of Beverly Hills, the Sunset Strip and Hollywood. Coffee or lunch stop, scenic overlook, tourist spot, friend’s mansion, whatever. Craft a four-stop route of wherever you may live or visit. You also don’t really need to know how to play poker, which is good, since my knowledge of the game begins and ends with watching the crew of the Enterprise play it on “ Star Trek.” To be clear, you do not need Bentleys to do this, nor do you need to cycle through a variety of cars. Never heard of one? Neither had I until I received an invitation to drive a variety of W12-powered Bentleys on a “poker run” tour of greater Los Angeles. Looking for something more interesting to do with your car-loving friends than just standing around a parking lot on Saturday mornings drinking coffee? How about a poker run?
What the heck is a Poker Run? And why did I do one in W12 Bentleys? Saying goodbye to the 12-cylinder Bentley in a grand tour of L.A.